Saturday, December 17, 2011

Spider Man Illustration

This was done in Photoshop CS3. I was more comfortable with Corel Painter prior to painting this, so I decided I would step out of my comfort zone and try out Photoshop. Another reason for having done that was because I didn’t want this particular piece to be too painterly, and often times it’s hard to avoid that when you are using Corel. This was done in three parts: the face, upper torso and background. After everything was painted, I turned to the adjustment feature to unify the colors and values in all three components, making the final piece a much more harmonious whole than it was originally. 

Friday, December 16, 2011

Leila year 2154

I bought my very first drawing tablet after watching a youtube tutorial on digital painting a few years ago. Corel 4 came with the one I bought, so I did a lot of my first practice paintings on it. As a result, I became more comfortable utilizing Corel for digital painting even though I was aware that I could do the same in Photoshop. After completing Leila in Corel, I switched over to Photoshop to paint the background. The papers were also rendered in photoshop using the warp and scale tools to add variation. Finally, after all the embellishments and details have been added, I was able to play with the curve tool in Photoshop and create more contrast to what was originally a very faded and blown-out illustration.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Penguin Nation

Vehicle Illustration

Who doesn't like a good old classic? This was originally painted in Painter 4 and then finished in Photoshop. The lettering was one of the elements that I felt needed to be perfect. I have the absolute worst handwriting, so after countless unsuccessful attempts to render 'Mustang' in Painter, I finally gave up and resorted to photoshop where I found a font that was close enough to the original. By the way, this is my dream car. :)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Lethal Beauty

You might've already guessed. The leopard is my favorite animal. Pencil.


This was a class project I did in college using Adobe Illustrator. The goal was to mimic the look and feel of chinese scroll painting. Forgive me for being such a naive design student, but at the time I actually didn't know what a drawing tablet was so this was done entirely using my mouse.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

High Roller Randy

This was one of my first paintings and it was done in Corel Painter. I started this piece as a practice and really had no prior intentions to go any further than the face. However, once I reached that point something about the face was begging for a complete rendering. I suppose, in part, it was because as a beginner digital painter I was so impressed with the result that I wanted to see it in its completeness. I wanted this piece to be moreorless a comical depiction of this animal, so I added a human body and threw him in a grown-up enviornment. When I think of casinos the first thing that comes to mind is cigarette smoke, so I felt it was necessary to somehow incorporate that in the painting. I had never painted smoke before so this was my first attempt at it. Had I known about the smoke brushes available online I would’ve used them but I’m quite pleased with the way mine turned out.

Concept Car " Eagle in the Sky, Viper on Land"