Wednesday, April 20, 2011

High Roller Randy

This was one of my first paintings and it was done in Corel Painter. I started this piece as a practice and really had no prior intentions to go any further than the face. However, once I reached that point something about the face was begging for a complete rendering. I suppose, in part, it was because as a beginner digital painter I was so impressed with the result that I wanted to see it in its completeness. I wanted this piece to be moreorless a comical depiction of this animal, so I added a human body and threw him in a grown-up enviornment. When I think of casinos the first thing that comes to mind is cigarette smoke, so I felt it was necessary to somehow incorporate that in the painting. I had never painted smoke before so this was my first attempt at it. Had I known about the smoke brushes available online I would’ve used them but I’m quite pleased with the way mine turned out.

Concept Car " Eagle in the Sky, Viper on Land"